
Whether you're a restaurant, hospital or hotel we are here to support you so you can keep the wheels turning everyday. Providing seamless service that you can count on. Delivering great products and that you and your customers love.

Goodman Fielder

Our Food Service Range

With a range of leading local & imported brands, Goodman Fielder has an established national presence across a number of food categories, appealing to different channels & segments. Featuring a variety of snacks, breakfast cereal, flour, Hamburger/hot dog buns, cakes, biscuits, oils, sauces, noddle, chips, margarine, butter, premix cake, milk, bakery ingredients, sugar and dressings which are well known and loved brands.  

Explore our range
foodservice fiji productrange

Markets we service

Whether you are a restaurant, coffee shop, hospital, fast food store, hotel or retirement home, you'll have access to a diverse directory of fantastic food. We are professional, connected and are here to support your growth. 

fiji DBWU Foodservice Markets 830 x 490